Saturday, September 20, 2008

Some lines i like...

When we can be truthful to ourselves, then only we can be free.

The truth brings freedom.

Yes, I believe that! if you are really true to your heart, no matter what happens, no matter how much deception you've got, you know one thing: you haven't deceived yourself. And that's what most people fail to achieve. and that's the only reason why psychiatrists are increasing exponentially.

The only thing that counts on this beautiful voyage of life, is what you have given, what value you have added or created in this sea of time, that have made it more beautiful for others!

And being happy inside, constantly, truly in a state of bliss, is one of those factors which contribute for this. And this can be achieved by only being true to yourself and your love and being yourself!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Life's Balance

I have always witnessed, personally or impersonally, what goes around, does come back around.

There is this leveling agent in our lives which weigh our deeds against feather of righteousness.

I have seen this working force in lives. It is our honesty with ourselves, that matters.

The right or wrong, always depends on situations, true, but to the mind, it also includes conscience as one of the decisive parameters.

But, the Ultimate judge, remains that balance, oblivious to your justifications, whose Mind is clear, with the purity of the Truth and Ultimate.

Cheat, and you'll cheat yourself that you are successful. Lie, and you'll lie to yourself that you are happy. In anger or jealousy, shout and you'll shout at your heart and burn inside.

Forgive, and you'll forgive yourself. Love truly, and you'll love your self in others. Sacrifice, and you'll have inner strength and happiness, bliss!

True, what goes around, does come around, whether on Earth or above.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lines to live by...

the joy of living is in being childlike, not childish.

forgive, but do not forget.

the wise are always detached from memories and things which create them or maintain them or destroy them.

attachment is blinding. it gives an imaginary aura to the thing or person you are attached to.

Never expect life to give it's best, always be ready to take out the best from it.

Relationships: Chosing ...

To know what the person is going to live with you, observe how the parents live. You will get to know how your partner is going to behave with you for next 20 years atleast, and your life atmost.

First love is just mere foolery combined with more of it.

First attraction based affair is stupidity on the plate, mistakes in the wine glass, and hallucinations about the other in the aroma candles... so ultimately, it puts you in nap, a midsummer's night dream... when you wake from it, you find it as a biggest nightmare, only to laugh over it afterwards, when the candles have burned out finally...

True love comes with understanding and spending time, finding joy and respect in each other's company.

The person who brings you closer to your work, to your parents, and to your good things, helps you improve upon your character, cares about you more, can have time to listen, and doesnt need to try to understand you, simply understands you, that is the right person. The person should be able to keep words.

The levels of all ... mental, intellectual, spiritual, emotional are the more necessary.. they form companionship... are more important than physical, physical can cement the bond of conjugal love, or they are just a should never be the issue... a person who wants you, will want physical, an attraction, a person who wants to be with you, wants your company, is a good friend but a person who wants to be yours, a union of bliss.

Never give the first person a split second in your life, give the second person according to the welfare the person thinks of you, if the person is good for you, the third person, if the character is bad, no backbone, then never think of that person ever, and if right character, then , give that person your life, and soul.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


The whisper.. the thrill... Getting swept away.. levitated..

When you sing with rapture, dance like a peacock.. opening the wings in its complete aura of beauty...

when it rains..

Love is passion, obsession, a craze,...

something that one can't live without...

purer than purity of waters of Heaven...

Beautiful as Dreams

Joyous as Spring

Falling head over heels for someone, loving someone crazy... and the other loves the same way back...

How to find it out.. Forget the head, and listen to your own heart...

live deliriously delighted...

The truth, there is no sense living your life without this... it sustains Life..

To journey the voyage and not fall deeply in love, one hasn't lived a Life at all...

One has to try.. one hasn't tried.. one hasn't lived at all...

When lightning strikes...

it becomes Life,

Love is Life...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 2 : The definitions of Care and Love

Love : I'll talk to you, whenever you feel lonely or alone... Just give me a missed call, and I'll call you up !

Care : To bring medicine, food and water to you, before you can ask for them, when you are sick, and just say, ' Take rest, and get well soon '

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day One: Inner Happiness begins at home

Has kalyug really entered, or is it that we've made it?

That's the question that I think the answer would be us, even for a believer or an atheist.

The question that I've started asking myself everyday is:

'What I've really done rightfully selflessly, to give someone true happiness?'

The answer I did not get for a past few days. I was being so selfish as to ask others to waste their resources over my hurts and bruises, that I forgot theirs.

I feel that at the end of the day, when we lay down on our beds, before taking the rest to our tired souls, we should ask ourselves this.

However, jokes apart, I think this is more sort of a check by jury mechanism rather than a progressive one. I mean like, it's more of quality control, rather than being a developmental one.

So, today I have come up with,

'What can I do today rightfully, selflessly, to give someone happiness?'

I asked this today myself just the first thing after I got up, and the first answer i got was:

'Hug your mom and dad, and say, "I love you." '

And I did. And it really gave them happiness...

Happiness, I strongly feel is not made up in things. It is made in hearts. True souls, hearts selfless, are eternally happy, and more than that, they are in state of bliss. Besides that, it does also contributes a lot to inner strength and happiness.

I'm glad I've implemented the first answer, and I will continue doing it. That will surely spread happiness in my caring family.