Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Life's Balance

I have always witnessed, personally or impersonally, what goes around, does come back around.

There is this leveling agent in our lives which weigh our deeds against feather of righteousness.

I have seen this working force in lives. It is our honesty with ourselves, that matters.

The right or wrong, always depends on situations, true, but to the mind, it also includes conscience as one of the decisive parameters.

But, the Ultimate judge, remains that balance, oblivious to your justifications, whose Mind is clear, with the purity of the Truth and Ultimate.

Cheat, and you'll cheat yourself that you are successful. Lie, and you'll lie to yourself that you are happy. In anger or jealousy, shout and you'll shout at your heart and burn inside.

Forgive, and you'll forgive yourself. Love truly, and you'll love your self in others. Sacrifice, and you'll have inner strength and happiness, bliss!

True, what goes around, does come around, whether on Earth or above.

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